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 Английский тезаурус
PRUS сокр.
сокр., эл. parameter report of unidentified signals
Prus. сокр.
сокр., землевед. Prussia
pri. сокр.
сокр. priority
сокр., землевед. plasticity retention index; primary; private
сокр., электрич. primary (winding)
pri [praɪ] сокр.
сокр. primer; primitive; priority; prison; private
PRI [praɪ] сокр.
воен. photographic reconnaissance and interpretation; photoradar intelligence; preliminary rifle instruction; priority repair induction; priority requirement for information; pulse recurrence interval
сокр. Port Railroads Incorporated; Potential Russian Informant; Precision Radiation Instruments; President of the Royal Institute of Painters in Water-Colours; priority requirement for information PRH, passive radar homing; Production Rate Indices; Professional Reform Initiative; Project Readout Indicator; Paint Research Institute; pressure- ratio indicator
сокр., авиац. Personal Record Identifier; pulse-repetition interval; pressure ratio indicator
сокр., бизн. Performance Review Institute (inplus)
сокр., бирж. Cox Communications, Inc.
сокр., бр.англ. President of the Regimental Institutes
сокр., воен. Primary; Primary Rate Interface; Priority; movement priority for forces having the same latest arrival date (LAD); progressive routing indicator
сокр., воен., авиац. peak rectified current
сокр., воен., ПВО. photo radar intelligence
сокр., землевед. preliminary reverse impulse
сокр., карате. pulse recurring interval
сокр., мед. Protein Intake; pulse repeate inetrval (harser)
сокр., назв.орг. Permaculture Research Institute
сокр., нефт. Petroleum Recovery Institute; Phosphate Rock Institute; pressure-ratio indicator; production ratio index; profit to risk investment rate; Puerto Rico
сокр., нефт.газ., сахал. Pacific Russia Information (Group)
сокр., обр., науч. Pacific Research Institute; Paleontological Research Institution; Population Research Institute
сокр., полим. plasticity retention index; Plastics and Rubber Institute
сокр., полит. Partido Revolucionario Institucional
сокр., с/х., животн. Performance Registry International; Pomology Research Institute (China)
сокр., СМИ. Public Radio International
сокр., спорт. Performance Racing Industry
сокр., текст. port risk insurance
сокр., тех. pulse repetition interval
сокр., ф.расш. Primary-Rate Interface; Printer definitions (LocoScript)
сокр., физиол., мед. Patient Review Instrument
сокр., шотл.выр. Pacific Resources Inc. (USA); Projector Reticle Image
сокр., эл. Precision Robotics, Inc.; Precision Robots, Inc.; primary rate ISDN; printer interface; program interruption; projection readout indicator; pulse rate indicator
сокр., эл., науч. Pulse Repetition Interval
тех. peak rectified current; pulse-rate indicator
Pri [praɪ] сокр.
сокр. propyl iodide; privately